Peace at last? We'll see...

Everything went well today. Meeting hari ni ngan Mayban Fortis Holdings Bhd. berjalan lancar. Seronok rasanya dapat selesaikan benda² complicated daripada terus menyemakkan kepala aku yang memang dah sediakala berserabai. So, lepas ni, takkan ada la amount² dan ageing² menyakitkan hati. Aku boleh tidur dengan tenang lepas ni...

Back at home, when I wrote this thing, someone called me. Which suprisingly from the one that I thought would not return my message. So, I put on hold writing this thing up and layan berborak ngan dia, which in my thought; well okay! At least I got a respond! Hehehe... Well, kinda nice tho!

Lalala... After this, if my message won't get a reply, I want to geget tinger dia. :p