Until Monday...

Buhsannyaaaaaa... Life gets pretty boring when I'm not in the mood. Everything that I want to do, things I should have done doing, all got postponed. All because I got infected with this virus thingy called "laziness". Lazy to do this, to do that... Aiyah! All of this because of raya fever la.

Ala... Tapi aku bukannya sambut raya sangat pun tahun ni macam tahun² lepas. Ni semuanya sebab aku "malas" nak berjalan ke rumah² menonjolkan diri aku kepada sanak sedara yang selalunya akan pop the big Q that normally the same year after year. And I got sick of it!

So, this laziness thingy lasted until today and will probably heal until next week. Lama gak virus ni dok menempek dalam kepala aku sampaikan benda yang paling rajin untuk aku buat hanyalah pergi makan. That cronik huh? Lazy to do everything except eating! Yea yea...

Aku hanya nak tunggu sampai Isnin ni. Sebab penyakit dari virus pemalas ni hilang hari Isnin ni...

Until Monday!