Aku semalam ada memperkenalkan kepada korang tentang BB Unit ataupun Beauty and the Beast Unit/Corps, iaitu boss² yang perlu dilalui dan dikalahkan oleh Snake waktu bermain game Metal Gear Solid 4 : Guns of the Patriots.
BB Unit ni adalah satu unit di bawah seliaan Liquid Ocelot yang terdiri daripada 4 orang wanita² jelita (real model in real world) yang telah mengalamai Post Traumatic Stress Disorder kesan daripada peperangan. Ini menyebabkan mereka berpotensi untuk dieksploit melalui skil² mereka semasa perang. Although their damage minds give them a momentous edge in combat it is also their greatest weakness.

Laughing Octopus
BB Unit ni adalah satu unit di bawah seliaan Liquid Ocelot yang terdiri daripada 4 orang wanita² jelita (real model in real world) yang telah mengalamai Post Traumatic Stress Disorder kesan daripada peperangan. Ini menyebabkan mereka berpotensi untuk dieksploit melalui skil² mereka semasa perang. Although their damage minds give them a momentous edge in combat it is also their greatest weakness.

Laughing Octopus
Her suit is equipped with four prehensile tentacle arms powerful enough to crush a human to death. Evidenced by the picture to the right, her arms are equipped with sensory outputs at the end of each arm, giving her the ability to detect enemies from around corners or through other covert measures. Her tentacle arms are also her mode of transportation, enabling her to move through narrow spaces at unprecedented speeds. As evidenced by her name, she takes glee in her fits of violence, laughing maniacally and saying things like "Isn't this funny?" or "Laugh with me!" as she slaughters various militiamen effortlessly. Also through her namesake, she possesses the ability to blend in with her surroundings, possessing the same technology as Solid Snake's OctoCamo.

Ni adalah versi orang betul.
Ini adalah gambar² yang dapat aku tangkap selepas mengalahkan "Laughing Octopus" versi Beast dan kemudiannya menjadi "Laughing Beast" versi Human. Hohohoho... Lihatlah dunia!!!

p/s : Nanti aku postkan plak 3 lagi boss dalam BB Unit ni pas aku kalahkan derang.
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