Hari yang hampeh!

Memang la hari nih. Nak kata aku sakit ati tak, nak kata aku nyampah pun tak gak. Perkataan yang sesuai adalah, redhakan ajer la! Bukan apa, dah la aku bangun awal hari ni sebab ntah cemana aku terjaga dan terus bangun pagi... awallllll pagi dari biasa. Jam 5.15 pagi. Selalunya aku set alarm dua kali, kali pertama untuk menyedarkan aku dan membuatkan aku tidur² ayam kemudiannya, dan alarm kedua adalah untuk aku bangun dari katil dan bersiap untuk ke kerja... Tapi pagi tadi, ntah apa halnya, lepas jer alarm pertama, aku terus bangun dan mandi sebab aku ingat aku dah terlambat... Akibatnya, 5.45 pagi aku dah siap...

Dah siap awal, bukak la tibi jap layan Knight Rider 2008 yang baru aku donlod hari sebelumnya. Dah jam 6.30 pagi, aku pun terus la bergerak ke LRT. Sampai stesen LRT, tup² stesen LRT tak bukak. Ada notis besar cakap LRT ada masalah teknikal. Siot tol! Dah la siap awal, ingat sampai opis awal, last² aku patah balik ke GP, antar mesej kat Ainol cakap aku nak tumpang dia gi keje. Nasib baik la ada Ainol, kalo dak, lambat la aku gi keje. Mana tak nya, dah la pengguna LRT tu ramai, bila tutup cam ni, memasing dok menahan teksi nak gi kerja. Tak berkesempatan aku nak tahan satu, orang lain dah amek dulu... Untuk Ainol, mekasih la sebab sudi tumpangkan aku! Hehu!!!

Sementara menunggu Ainol siap, aku pun sarapan la dulu kat GP. Nasik lemak dengan teh tarik yang memang dah lama giler aku tak rasa... Ini la kali pertama lepas nak dekat 2 tahun yang lepas... Hehehe... Bila dah abes sarapan, aku pun terus tunggu Ainol kat bawah Menara Orkid. So, eberiting macam biasa la sampai la kat opis.

Kat opis tak ada apa yang menarik berlaku. Macam biasa jer. Cuma ari nih aku kena mengadap reminder² yang menimbun kat atas meja aku yang by hook or by crook mesti keluar pada hari ni jugak!. MasyaAllah!!! Naik pijor mata aku tengok reminder² tu. Dah la nak dekat 40 ke 50 helai... Pas tu nak kena courier la pulak. Jenuh la aku menonyoh borang courier tu satu persatu, nak staple atas sampul (sebelum tu kena plak lipat dan masukkan dalam sampul) pastu nak tulis alamat atas dia. Tuhan ajer yang tau betapa lenguhnya tangan aku menulis alamat satu persatu atas borang courier tu... Hmmmm... Satu hari habis mengadap menda tu jer. Tapi nasib baik la semua reminder² dapat keluar ari nih. Kalo tak, lari lagik la aku nyer target!!!!

Pas tu nak balik rumah plak, aku tak bley nak ikut jalan biasa. Dah LRT rosak, tak dapek la aku nak naek. Kena la aku ikut jalan jauh. 3 kali bas aku turun naik nak sampai ke Sentul. Memula nunggu bas kat Ampang Point yang menuju ke KLCC. Itu pun pas ujan! Pastu, bila dah sampai kat KLCC plak, kena tunggu plak bas nak gi Titiwangsa. Menunggu lagik. Dah sampai bas, adessss... Dah macam tin sardin la plak! Aku kena la berdiri dari KLCC tu sampai ke Titiwangsa. Yang menyakitkan aku time nih, traffic jam! Berdiri aku kat dalam bas tu nak dekat sejam. Padahal, bukannya jauh benor pun nak sampai nya...

Dah sampai Titiwangsa lak. Menunggu lagik. Kali ni tunggu bas T223 plak yang menuju ke Sentul. Hmmmm... Kat sini, aku menunggu sampai gelap nunggu satu bas nih. Bas lain dah 4-5 kali lalu, tapi satu bas ni jer yang tak lalu². Pekejadah! Derang buat pertandingan ting² ke atas bas T223 nih. Sampai sakit blakang aku menunggu. Kejap berdiri, kejap duduk. Tu pun kena tunggu giliran... HAHAHAHAHAHA... Ye la! Tunggu la giliran bila orang yang nak duduk tu bangun, baru la boleh duduk. Adesssss...

Sampai jer kat depan MO, waktu time tu dah 8.30 malam. Terus aku gi GP untuk dinner. Dengan muka berminyak dan berlengas, dengan uniform tak tukar. Dengan penat segala... Ades, aku rasa, ini la waktu paling panjang dalam idop aku untuk balik ke rumah. Mau kat 3 jam. Kalo aku naik bas dari KL ke Ipoh pun dah sampai!!!

Hmmmm... Redha kan jer la apa yang berlaku ari nih! Aku nak tido pas nih. Penat!!!

p/s: Memintak la esok ada LRT dah. Susah nak gi keje weh!!!!

Advent Children Complete in glorious 1080p...

Wow! Advent Children Complete is being release on BluRay in the glorious 1080p. I can't even imagine how clear the picture is going to be. Even when it was being released on DVD, the quality of the picture was superb!

Advent Children was announced about 1 and a half year ago in 2007 TGS (Tokyo Game Show), and now, the all famous Japanese game maker and publisher; Square Enix, has decided to upgrade this long loving epic of Final Fantasy VII sequel to an even higher standard. Bravo! Even looking at the new trailer was breathtaking. Everything looks new and good.

It was announced at 2007 TGS that Advent Children Complete would get an upgrade of its visual by adding some dirt and mud on the faces and clothing of the characters, but after revealing the trailer, Advent Children Complete will also get an additional 25 minutes of extra footage. Talking about long wait and wondering about when Advent Children Complete will be released, this additional footage will put all those feelings away. Buying Advent Children Complete will again reminiscence the feeling of buying the original Advent Children for the first time. Hehehehe...

So, the Japanese release will be on April 16, together with the demo of Final Fantasy XIII (I will not miss this!). Wohooo... Get your money ready guys!

p/s: Watch the trailer in full screen to get that 1080p feelings! Hehehe (^_-)v

New FFXIII trailer that rawks...

Hahahaha... At last. The new trailer of Final Fantasy XIII that contains the actual battle has been released. Wohooo... The fight is sooo fluid and dynamic, it doesn't seem cartoonish at all. I was holding back my breath when watching this trailer last night. It sooo cool! SUGOI NAAAA!!!

Precious little thing!

Believe it or not, those 2 little things have become my precious possesion to date. Given by my precious friend and now I'm afraid of using it... Afraid that it will become dull or shineless as it is today. So, I just let it be as it is, as a momento of a great friend I have.

Thank you Gurl! I should have said it earlier, but... Thanks! (^_-)

Little man!

Me and the little man! Owhhhh!!! How cute he is!!!

Back to routine!

Back to work. Back to routine. Man! It feels like Monday all over again eventhough it's Wednesday.

4 days more to Sunday! Ahaks...


Hmmmm... Sialan betul ini pc. Nak kena install Vista yang baru. Bukan apa, lepas aku sampai jer kat rumah dari kampung, terus aku on pc. Tetau jer, ada satu pop up menyakitkan hati! Huhuhu... Esok time keje nak kena pegi ke Ampang Point membeli Vista yang baru. Ala... yang p****e jer. Mana ada suit nak beli yang ori oits! Hehehehe...

Kena aku buat backup yang baru... Donlod software yang baru... Segalanya la. Adeh! Banyaknyer keje esok!!!

Coming home.

Akhirnya, sampailah aku ke hari terakhir aku pulang ke kampung. Sekarang ni aku sedang menaiki keretapi dari Ipoh ke KL Sentral. Perjalanan yang akan memakan masa lebih kurang 4 jam... Tak tau la samada akan membosankan atau sebaliknya. Nasib baek la aku dapat tiket pukul 5 daripada waktu tiket asal iaitu pukul 9 malam. Kalau tak, mampos aku nak sampai kat rumah cemana.

Ikutkan selama aku berada lama kat kampung ni, banyak la post yang aku akan buat. Tapi hampeh. Semuanya tak jadi gara-gara keadaan di kampung yang kekurangan plug untuk aku recharge phone. Hanya dapat peluang bila semua dah masuk tidur je. Banyak la perkara menarik yang aku terlepas nak post. Post yang ni je la yang terakhir dari Perak. Sekarang ni, keretapi yang aku naik baru saja berhenti di Kampar untuk mengambil penumpang.

Okay la. Nanti aku sambong...


Satu tujuan kami sekeluarga pulang ke Sabak Bernam adalah untuk menghadiri kenduri cukur rambut baby cousin aku. Mungkin juga akan ada marhaban oleh orang-orang surau kampung ni. Dan ianya akan diadakan pada jam 2 petang ini.

Orang-orang kampung dah mula merewang di perkarangan rumah untuk memasak lauk pauk untuk kenduri petang nanti. Cuaca yang agak panas waktu ni menyebabkan aku dan adik beradik aku hanya duduk di dalam rumah dalam keadaan mengantuk. Tak cukup tidur kitaorang malam tadi akibat sampai lewat. Adeh... Kalo boleh nak bawak tidur je sekarang ni gak. Tapi... Rumah orang la.

P/s : Adeh! Ramainya orang. Lemas btol.

Bosan wei!!!...

Hehu... Aku sekeluarga sekarang dalam perjalanan untuk ke Sabak Bernam. Perjalanan yang membosankan ditambah dengan trafik yang sesak walau dijalan lama.

Walaupun sudah lama berjalan, kami masih lagi belum sampai ke destinasi. Tak pe la. Biar lambat, asalkan selamat.

Apapun... Bosan tetap bosan. Hehu...


Dear you,
Who's reading this letter
Where are you and what are you doing now?

For me who's 15 years old
There are seeds of worries I can't tell anyone

If it's a letter addressed to my future self,
Surely I can confide truly to myself

Now, it seems that I'm about to be defeated and cry
For someone who's seemingly about to disappear
Whose words should I believe in?
This one-and-only heart has been broken so many times
In the midst of this pain, I live the present

Dear you,
Thank you
I have something to tell the 15-year-old you

If you continue asking what and where you should be going
You'll be able to see the answer

The rough seas of youth may be tough
But row your boat of dreams on
Towards the shores of tomorrow

Now, please don't be defeated and please don't shed a tear
During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear
Just believe in your own voice
For me as an adult, there are sleepless nights when I'm hurt
But I'm living the bittersweet present

There's meaning to everything in life
So build your dreams without fear
Keep on believing

Seems like I'm about to be defeated and cry
For someone who's seemingly about to disappear
Whose words should I believe in?

Please don't be defeated and please don't shed a tear
During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear
Just believe in your own voice

No matter era we're in
There's no running away from sorrow
So show your smile, and go on living the present
Go on living the present

Dear you,
Who's reading this letter
I wish you happiness

Time to go Home!

Yehaaaa... Dah habes keje dah pon. Aku nak balik rumah cepat nak basuh baju... Bukannya apa. Aku balik sini ari Selasa kul 9 malam. Jadik, kalo aku tinggalkan baju keje aku kat umah tanpa berbasuh, memang la tak sempat dek non oi! Lagi pun, baju² yang aku nak bawak balik pon blom lagik aku kemas.

Inilah kali pertama aku balik ke kampung pada tahun 2009. Last aku balik pada Hari Raya Puasa ari tuh. Lama kan? Hehu! Gwe sudah kangen ama Bunda sih!...

Bagus gak la aku dapat balik nih. Boleh la aku rileks jap sambil memikirkan apa² plot tambahan untuk citer yang aku nak tulis nanti. Semuanya dah ready, tinggal nak menaip jer. Harap², balik kampung nanti, dapat la aku tulis 3 ke 4 chapter...

Okaylah! Macam biasa, nanti aku mobile blogging jer dari kampung aku, ceritakan apa yang aku buat kat sana nanti. Al-maklum la. Kat kampung sana nama ada internet. Nak bertenet pun kena gi CC yang berhampiran. Itu pon kalo aku rajin.

See ya soon...


A song for "someone"!

Gambar terbaru Azraei Nawfal.

Gambar di atas adalah gambar Nawfal favourite aku sewaktu dilahirkan. Dan lebih kurang 3 bulan kemudian, wajahnya semakin kiyut... Hehehehe... Tomei nyer muka anak sedara Pak Ngah nih!... Macam nak geget jer pipi dia!

Enjoy the picture!

Hectic Monday...

Urghhhh... How I hate Monday. Don't you? Since it's Monday, I couldn't resist of being lazy rather than diligently doing all of the works that keep on piling on my desk. Huhu... But work is work, gotto put my efford to finish them. Urghhhh... Hate Monday.

YM, FB, BDN... You name it. I got to all those site just to kill time so that I can go home and have my proper sleep. Blame it on the busy Monday. If not, just think that I had a running nose and a nasty headache.

What a hectic Monday...

Sehari di rumah Ninja...

Wohooo... Aku nih, aku ada temujanji dengan kengkawan gamers BDN nak bertandang ke rumah Ninja a.k.a. Enal di Ampang. Setelah mendapat lampu hijau daripada Enal, kiteorang pun mula bertandang di rumahnya bermula pada pukul 3.00 petang.

Lepas makan kul 12.00 tengahari tu, aku pun terus menuju ke stesen LRT Ampang, tapi aku benti dulu kat Bandaraya sebab nak cucuk duit. Duit dalam poket ada seploh jer. Ehehehehe... (^_^)! Then bila dah sampai Ampang, aku terus ambil teksi dan menuju ke Carrefour Ampang. Tunggu Damak sekejap kat situ sebab dia kata dia nak kutip aku. Hehehehe... Macam sampah lak aku membahasakan diri sendiri dengan "kutip". Bila dah sampai, bertembung pulak dengan Sub and wife and baby (kiyut giler macam nak gigit pipi dia), Akid, Nerv dan last skali dengan Datin Byha yang tengah menunggu kat bawah apartment Enal sambil men game.

Sampai jer rumah Enal, dah kagum dah dengan interior dia. Kemas dan menarik. Memang cozy giler la rumah Enal. Dok la bersembang dengan yang lenglain sementara menunggu Enal membuka secara rasmi "The Place of Zen" of the house. Gaming room. Miahahaha... Memang besh giler. Bila dia on jer "Bravia" 70 inci dia, memasing drooling dengan kecantikan gambar yang dipancarkan (sebenarnya Enal pakai projektor yang dipancar ke dinding yang dah dipasang dengan frame yang menyerupai tv Bravia). Muahahaha... Menangis jap (T_T) tengok gambar. Huhuhuhu...

Cenderamata si Enal dapat waktu launch MGS4 dulu.

Skrin yang menunjukkan game LBP yang kiteorang men reramai. Sori gambo gelap. Tipun aku yang mengong.

Datin Byha ngan Damak yang tengah drooling men LBP.

Enal, Akid ngan Nerv pun drooling sama. Hehe...

Level paling susah waktu men LBP. Time ni la waktu paling gamat sebab karekter memasing mati dalam keadaan yang melucukan!

Duduk la situ kiteorang sambil mencuba game dan menonton movie dengan "Bravia" 70 inci si Enal tu. Sedar² waktu dah pukul 8 malam ko! Hehehehe... Tak sedar kiteorang tengok citer Happy Feet yang kononnya hanya untuk "preview" tapi tengok sampai habis lak! Habis jer tengok Happy Feet, sembang jap bergelak ketawa sakan, sebelum kiteorang menuju ke Carrefour untuk makan dan minum. Kendian kiteorang balik semula ke kawasan apartment Enal berkumpul untuk bersurai... Enal hantar aku ke LRT Ampang dan aku sampai rumah dah nak dekat kul 12.00 tengah malam. Hehehehe...

Damak yang tengah membaca majalah.

Enal tengah buat apa ntah ngan laptop dia. berFB kot. Hehehehe...

Datin Byha yang tengah tergelak besar!

Datin Byha yang mengambil gambar tima makan kat Carrefour.

Habis la seharian bersama Enal pada hari ni. Tapi ntah, rasa puas hati sesangat hari ni. (^_^)

Selamat Hari Jadi Along!

Angah nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Jadi kepada Along yang kini dah mencapai umur 33 tahun. Omedetou gozaimasu! Angah doakan semoga Along bahagia selalu bersama keluarga tercinta, selalu dimurahkan rezeki dan juga dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik sepanjang masa... Amin!


Masih tidurkah kita (Wahai umat Islam)?

Sebenarnya aku malas nak menepek benda² dalam email dalam blog ni. Tapi, ada satu email yang aku daripada kawan se"Jaquezeean" aku yang tak dapat aku nak lupakan, dan sentiasa membuatkan aku berpikir panjang. Dan tak ruginya satu email ni aku kongsikan bersama dengan korang. Terima kasih kepada Lan yang meng"foreword" kan email ni pada aku.

Extracts of speech by Hafez A.B Mohamed: Director-General, Al Baraka Bank.

o World Jewish Population. 14 million
o Distribution: 7 m in America, 5 m in Asia, 2 m in Europe, 100 thousand in Africa
o World Muslim Population: 1.5 billion
o Distribution: 1 billion in Asia/Mid-East, 400 M in Africa, 44 M in Europe, 6 M in the Americas
o Every fifth human being is a Muslim.
o For every single Hindu there are two Muslims
o For every Buddhist there are two Muslims
o For every Jew there are 107 Muslims
o Yet the 14 million Jews are more powerful than the entire 1.5 billion Muslims


Here are some of the reasons.

Movers of Current History
o Albert Einstein Jewish
o Sigmund Freud Jewish
o Karl Marx Jewish
o Paul Samuelson Jewish
o Milton Friedman Jewish

Medical Milestones
o Vaccinating Needle: Benjamin Ruben Jewish
o Polio Vaccine Jonas Salk Jewish
o Leukaemia Drug Gertrude Elion Jewish
o Hepatitis B Baruch Blumberg Jewish
o Syphilis Drug Paul Ehrlich Jewish
o Neuro muscular Elie Metchnikoff Jewish
o Endocrinology Andrew Schally Jewish
o Cognitive therapy. Aaron Beck Jewish
o Contraceptive Pill Gregory Pincus Jewish
o Understanding of Human Eye. G. Wald Jewish
o Embryology. Stanley Cohen Jewish
o Kidney Dialysis Willem Kloffcame Jewish

Nobel Prize Winners
o In the past 105 years, 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel prizes whilst 1.5 billion Muslims have contributed only 3 Nobel winners

Inventions that changed History
o Micro- Processing Chip. Stanley Mezor Jewish
o Nuclear Chain Reactor Leo Sziland Jewish
o Optical Fibre Cable Peter Schultz Jewish
o Traffic Lights Charles Adler Jewish
o Stainless Steel Benno Strauss Jewish
o Sound Movies Isador Kisee Jewish
o Telephone Microphone Emile Berliner Jewish
o Video Tape Recorder Charles Ginsburg Jewish

Influential Global Business
o Polo Ralph Lauren Jewish
o Coca Cola Jewish
o Levi's Jeans Levi Strauss Jewish
o Sawbuck's Howard Schultz Jewish
o Google Sergey Brin Jewish
o Dell Computers Michael Dell Jewish
o Oracle Larry Ellison Jewish
o DKNY Donna Karan Jewish
o Baskin & Robbins Irv Robbins Jewish
o Dunkin Donuts Bill Rosenberg Jewish

Influential Intellectuals/ Politicians
o Henry Kissinger , US Sec of State Jewish
o Richard Levin, PresidentYaleUniver sity Jewish
o Alan Greenspan , US Federal Reserve Jewish
o Joseph Lieberman Jewish
o Madeleine Albright , US Sec of State Jewish
o CasperWeinberger , US Sec of Defence Jewish
o Maxim Litvinov , USSR Foreign Minister Jewish
o DavidMarshal , Singapore Chief Minister Jewish
o Isaacs Isaacs, Gov-GenAustralia Jewish
o Benjamin Disraeli, British Statesman Jewish
o Yevgeny Primakov, Russian PM Jewish
o Barry Goldwater , US Politician Jewish
o Jorge Sampaio, President Portugal Jewish
o Herb Gray, Canadian Deputy - PM Jewish
o Pierre Mendes, French PM Jewish
o Michael Howard, British Home Sec. Jewish
o Bruno Kriesky, Austrian Chancellor Jewish
o Robert Rubin , US Sec of Treasury Jewish

Global Media Influential
o Wolf Blitzer, CNN Jewish
o Barbara Walters ABC News Jewish
o EugeneMeyer , Washington Post Jewish
o Henry Grunwald, Time Magazine Jewish
o Katherine Graham , Washington Post Jewish
o Joseph Lelyeld, New York Times Jewish
o Max Frankel, New York Times Jewish

Global Philanthropists
o George Soros Jewish
o Walter Annenberg Jewish

Why are they powerful? why are Muslims powerless?
Here's another reason. We have lost the capacity to produce knowledge.

o In the entire Muslim World (57 Muslim Countries) there are only 500 universities.
o In USA alone, 5,758 universities
o In India alone, 8,407 universities
o Not one university in the entire Islamic World features in the Top 500 Ranking Universities of the World
o Literacy in the Christian World 90%
o Literacy in the Muslim World 40%
o 15 Christian majority-countries, literacy rate 100%
o Muslim majority - countries , None
o 98% in Christian countries completed primary
o Only 50% in Muslim countries completed primary.
o 40% in Christian countries attended university
o In Muslim countries a dismal 2% attended.
o Muslim majority countries have 230 scientists per one million Muslims
o The USA has 5000 per million
o The Christian world 1000 technicians per million.
o Entire Arab World only 50 technicians per million.
o Muslim World spends on research/developmen t 0.2% of GDP
o Christian World spends 5 % of GDP

o The Muslim World lacks the capacity to produce knowledge.

Another way of testing the degree of knowledge is the degree of diffusing knowledge.

o Pakistan 23 daily newspapers per 1000 citizens
o Singapore 460 per 1000 citizens.
o In UK book titles per million is 2000
o In Egypt book titles per million is only 17

o Muslim World is failing to diffuse knowledge

Applying Knowledge is another such test.
o Exports of high tech products from Pakistan is 0.9% of its exports.
o In Saudi Arabia is 0.2%
o Kuwait , Morocco and Algeria 0.3%
o Singapore alone is 68%

o Muslim World is failing to apply knowledge.

What do you conclude? no need to tell the figures are speaking themselves very loudly we are unable to listen

Please educate yourself and your children. always promote education, don't compromise on it, don't ignore your children's slightest misguidance from education (and please, for God's Sake, don't use your personal contacts or sources to promote your children in their education; if they fail, let them and make them learn to pass; b/c if they can't do it now, they can't ever). We are World's biggest and strongest nation, all we need is to identify and explore our ownselves. Our victory is with our knowledge, our creativity, our literacy...And nothing else.

....Wake up...

Jadik, masih lagikah kita sebagai umat Islam masih lagi nak dipijak kepala dengan orang² kafir ni?

Boikot Israel!

Hanya dengan memboikot membeli barangan buatan Amerika, sekutu kepada laknatullah Israel ni, insyaAllah kita dapat melumpuhkan ekonomi mereka yang memang tengah sesak sekarang...

Antara beberapa produk Amerika yang perlu diboikot pada link.

Afro! Afro is the new FF fashion!

Wohooo... Afro is the new fashion for FF. Selama ni, semua character lelaki dalam FF semuanya berambut lurus ataupun spikey, macam Squall dan Cloud. But now, derang nak popularkan fesyen afro laks. Tak caya, tengok gambo bawah ni... Hehehehe... Character FFXIII terbaru yang bernama Sazh Kalzroy. Baru diperkenalkan semalam. Cool habes!

This is a bit of a shocker, and at the same time all kinds of awesome. For one, Tetsuya Nomura breaks out of his comfort zone and makes a pretty cool non-androgynous, non-spiky-haired character for us to look at. Second, this new character has been given a name ... and not just a silly code name; a real FF name. You may call the new playable cast member Sazh Kalzroy.

So far, we know a few things about Sazh. He likes the color green, wields two pistol-like weapons and has a soft spot for Chocobos. Something tells us by that smarmy look on his face that this gent is a ladies man a la Balthier (FFXII). He's a very interesting character indeed; see more of him in the full V-Jump scan.

FFXIII will going to be sooo interesting!

THX Lemur...

Hehehehe... Dramatik... Sungguh dramatik! Boleh ganti intro THX sedia ada!

3 jenis versi FFVII:ACC

Huk alo! Ada 3 versi la pulak Squeenix nak release Advent Children Complete ni! Macam Microsoft releasekan Vista plak! Ni yang berapa best nih!

Seperti yang dicanangkan, Final Fantasy VII : Advent Children Complete akan di releasekan dengan 3 versi iaitu:

First Edition:
Mempunyai Bluray FFVII:ACC bersama dengan FFXIII demo, FFVXIII trailer dan FFAXIII trailer.

PlayStation 3 First Edition Bundle:
Dibundlekan skali dengan PlayStation 3 dan semua yang dalam First Edition.

Regular Edition:

Sah² orang akan carik yang First Edition punya version. Tak ketinggalan la dengan aku! Yang dua versi lagi tu, macam tak jalan jer. Paling kuat pun orang akan carik yang Regular Edition kalau First Edition punya dah abes. Yang berbundle dengan PS3 tu lak, orang kayo² jer bleh beli!... Janji ada stok untuk First Edition udah!

Ches! Squeenix ni macam nak mempermainkan orang jer. Dulu cakap dia nak releasekan Demo FFXIII kat dalam FFVII:ACC. Sekarang cakap dah lain. Releasekan kat Jepun jer. Squeenix ni macam nak carik nahas jer. Dah la dulu derang buat announcement FFXIII dikluarkan kat XBox 360 yang mencetuskan ketidak-puas-hatian gamers² PS3. Ni plak jadik cam ni plak. Hangin la lagik gamers² seantero dunia. Mau lingkup Squeenix kalo derang terus buat cenggitu!


All the troubles to open a curtain!

Huhuhu... Susahnya nak bukak langsir bila hari dah siang! Cuba la tengok video kat bawah ni. Tapi apa pun, memang best! Creatif gilak!

CES 2009

CES 2009 dah nak berakhir dah. Memacam menda yang derang pamerkan kat sini. Owh... Untuk korang yang tak tau apa menda CES tu, CES ni adalah abbrevation untuk Consumer Electronic Show yang selalunya diadakan kat Las Vegas, Nevada, pada setiap Januari. CES ni dianjurkan oleh CEA (Consumer Electronic Association) untuk pengeluar² barangan elektronik untuk mereka mempamerkan barangan² elektronik dan gadget² terbaru kepada orang ramai sebelum ianya dipasarkan.

Untuk 2009 ni, banyak gak la yang derang pamerkan kat CES ni. Dan apa yang paling menarik minat aku kat situ adalah menda ni...

Itulah mendanya Sony P-Series Lifestyle PC. Komputer yang dikategorikan sebagai Netbook dan adalah spesis yang terkecil dalam kumpulannya. Apa yang best tentang produk tu adalah ianya datang sekali dengan XMB, dan jugak internet-on-the-go. Tak payah lagi nak carik wifi ataupun LAN untuk connecting ke internet. Semuanya menggunakan 3G network untuk connection.

Apa yang menarik sebenarnya adalah saiz dia yang kecik. Dengan screen 8 inci; 1600x768 display. Tebal dia lebih kurang 1 inci dan berat 1.4 pounds. Harga... a whooping USD$900. Mahal nak mampos!

Apa² pon, baca la laporan ni untuk gadget yang pastinya tidak akan aku dapat! Huhuhu...

Much like Apple, Sony likes to keep its Vaio products aimed at mid-to-high-end buyers and generally eschews the budget end of the market (although there are actually a handful of sub-$600 Vaios we've reviewed fairly favorably).

When it comes to Netbooks, it's no different; Sony's entry into the very hot minilaptop category shares a lot with Netbooks such as the Dell Mini 9 or Asus Eee PC, but clearly goes out of its way to avoid being lumped in with them.

The P-series Lifestyle PC is one of the smallest laptops we've seen; it is almost similar to a UMPC, but with a traditional clamshell laptop design. The widescreen 8-inch 1600x768 display and tiny keyboard make for a form factor that has roughly the same footprint as a standard white business envelope, and is less than 1-inch thick, weighing 1.4 pounds.

To fit a reasonably full-featured PC into a chassis this small, some sacrifices had to be made, and we're worried the lack of a standard touch pad (instead there's a ThinkPad-like pointing stick), will keep this new system from being as useful as it could be. It does, however, include a 3G mobile broadband antenna, 802.11n Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth, with mobile broadband service provided by Verizon.

Like several other laptops we've seen recently, there's a pre-Windows instant-on operating system, which uses the familiar Sony cross-media bar menu found on the PlayStation 3 and handheld PSP consoles. Once you boot into Windows, instead of the XP variety found on most Netbooks, it has Vista, although the 2GB of RAM (up to 4GB capacity) should help it run smoothly.

Sony told us it was planning on marketing this almost clutch-size laptop specifically to women, but we didn't take them seriously until we saw these lines in the official press release:

"Designed for the fashionista in all of us, it's the ideal companion..."
"The spacing between keys has also been engineered to help reduce typing mistakes making it perfect for long fingernails."

The P-series Lifestyle PC will retail for about $900, and options include solid state (up to 128GB) or standard hard drives and a variety of colors, including garnet red, emerald green, onyx black, crystal white, and classic (matte) black, with matching accessories including a fitted leather case. More photos are after the jump.

Kalau korang nak tau lagik apa menda barangan² elektronik dan gadget² terbaru, korang boleh pergi ke alamat ni...

CES 2009

Mustahil aku nak senaraikan semuanya kat 1 post ajer. Orait! Tunggu tahun depan plak!

Latest Gaming News!

Hohoho... Heading macam blog gaming 24/7 plak. Hehehehe... Tak per, tunggu aku bukak blog pasal gaming lepas nih. Boleh aku boh heading yang cenggitu.

Sebenarnya bukan apa pun. Aku saja jer tulis heading tu sebab aku nak bagitau latest gaming news yang telah berjaya menarik perhatian aku sejak aku menerima feeds dari site gaming yang dah lama aku langgan. Panjang jugak la article dia sampai sanggup aku baca sampai habis. So, malas nak tulis pepanjang, korang baca la... Aku tampal jer kat sini...

New memstick from SanDisk and Sony: 2TB of storage incoming

Like whoa: two terrabytes of data storage?! What the hell are you gonna do with all that? Read 'em and weep 'em buckoes. Sony and SanDisk have announced their joint development project which will expand memory stick formats to proportions yet unheard of.

The first one is a new line for the Memory Stick PRO, tentatively dubbed as the "Expanded format for Memory Stick PRO". This new line includes expanded formats for the entire Memory Stick PRO series, namely PRO, PRO HG, and Micro (M2).

Compared to the current gen of PRO memsticks that can go up to 32GB, this new format will be able to achieve up to 2TB of data storage (damn, that's even higher than what I got on my old, clunky PowerBook!).

Other than the increased storage capacity, everything will pretty much remain the same: same dimensions, same number of pins, same transfer speeds. The new line will also still be supporting MagicGate and Access Control Function.

Now on top of the expanded Memory Stick PRO line, Sony and SanDisk are also set to deliver an entirely new format, one called the Memory Stick HG Micro. It's based on the current M2 format, but will be improved to allow transfer speeds of up to 60MB/s.

The press release didn't include any release dates for the new formats, however, development for these memsticks are already set to start this year.

Huhuhu... With just inside a memory stick? 2 Terabytes? You gotta be kidding me! Aku punya HDD yang aku baru beli tu pun baru 320 Gigabytes. Ni dalam memory stick? Aiyo!!! Mesti harga dia riban² nyer! Hehehehe... Mampus nak membeli! Yang 8 Gigabytes pun dah nak dekat RM500, inikan pulak 2 Terabytes... Memacam dunia sekarang nih.

Sony says bring it on: calls Microsoft and Nintendo add-on peddlers

Biting remarks thrown between Sony and Microsoft are normal (even expected), but more often than not, these are offhand remarks said in interviews.

This time though, Sony's making it personal. In an official press release, Sony claws at both Microsoft and Nintendo, calling out their consoles as peddling add-ons in an effort to keep up with the PS3. The press release, which was headlined "Keeping Gaming and Entertainment Simple," read:

The Xbox 360 requires additional money, multiple upgrades and additional external devices, putting a burden on the wallet and adds clutter to the entertainment center.

And the Wii s lack of enhanced features comes at the expense of a comprehensive entertainment solution.

So as PS3 continues to evolve without the need for additional parts or expenses, expect the competition to continue peddling add-ons in an effort to keep up with the Jones

(In case you were wondering, no, I'm not the one who put that part of the PR in bold. That was pure Sony.)

The PR also gave a break down of what the PlayStation 3's has straight out of the box, emphasizing "huge hard drives," free online gaming, and "Ten years of value with a future-proof system via firmware updates that offer new services and features. They also gave a chart, giving a blow by blow against the competition:

A very aggressive strategy, one they no doubt put in action for CES 2009, but I doubt it'll work. One of the strengths of the Xbox 360 is specifically because of its optional add-ons. People can choose whether or not to buy the parts they want. With people hanging on to their wallets with a death grip, this is a major plus for people in the market for a console.

As for the Wii, well, people buy it expecting a fun-for-the-family console, not an all-in-one entertainment device, so they get what they pay for.

Hmmmm... Nak kata aku ni PS3 fanboys, tak jugak, tapi rasa² macam ada! Tapi aku suka gak dengan konsol yang lain terutamanya Wii. Tapi kebanyakan game² Wii macam bebudak jer. Tu yang malas tuh. So, bila Sony dah buat kenyataan cenggitu, terasa berbaloi jugak la aku membeli PS3 sejak dari awal. Tak perlu nak upgrade² konsol for better performance. Cuma kena beli aksesori jer! Ni bila konsol pun dah nak kena upgrade, dah jadik macam PC laks! Hehehehe...

CES 2009: Sony previews PS3 stereoscopic 3D support

Do not adjust your monitor. That picture's supposed to look like that. That's a sample of Sony's stereoscopic 3D technology that they showed off over at CES 2009. You'll need a dorky pair of glasses to view it correctly. How dorky, exactly? Well...

He looks a bit like Elliott Gould. At least the lenses aren't in bright blue and red. The tech was demonstrated with the PlayStation 3's WipEout HD, running in true 3D. Don't get too excited though. Although Blitz Games said last month that Sony "fully intends" to support stereoscopic 3D gaming, the Sony rep at CES wasn't so quick to give promises:

Don't get caught up with specs. We're not going to talk about specifications. This is just a look at what 3D could look like if Sony decided to move in this direction.

That said, he didn't offer any other details about the tech, but we can expect more details soon - CES is far from over. It'll be amazing if studios start developing games for the PS3 with this tech in mind though.

3D has now embark a new landmark in gaming. Barulah 3D betul. Nampak memenda kat dalam tibi tu macam terkeluar jer. Ha! Lepas ni kita tunggu plak hologram pulak untuk gaming. Biar lagik best!

p/s: Itu jer news terkini. Nanti kalo ada lagik yang menarik perhatian aku, aku buboh lagik!


Huhu... Makan sorang teramatlah bosan. Nak ajak Mak Ngah ke, Ijat ke... Masing-masing bizi ngan sekolah, ngan keje. Last-last ajak Zubir ngan Su, tapi derang bizi plak ngan customer. Makan je la sengsorang... Hehu... (T-T)


P/s: 6.50pm

Huhu... I couldn't make it!

Well! To be honest, aku memang tak gemar nak menghadiri majlis keramaian, kenduri kahwin atau pun mana² majlis yang ramai orang... tanpa sebab musabab yang munasabah untuk aku hadir. Tapi tidaklah sampai untuk tidak menghadiri majlis penting yang kena mengena dengan aku... Lagi pun aku sebenarnya rimas dengan kehadiran orang ramai yang menyesakkan, hanya kerana satu sebab: aku terasa amat kecil berbanding dengan mereka (not in sense of size, tapi kehidupan...) Mungkin aku masih tak dapat lagi nak menyesuaikan diri dengan inferiority complex yang masih lagi saki-bakinya masih melekat pada fikiran aku... Dan mungkin jugak aku dah bosan dengan pertanyaan² yang sama pada setiap kali (Well! You know what I mean!)

Huhu... Speaking of that, hari ini, family aku ada mengadakan majlis kenduri doa selamat untuk menyambut kedatangan ahli baru dalam keluarga aku, dan juga tahlil untuk arwah nenda aku yang dah pergi. Not that I purposely didn't go, but I couldn't make it! Masa tak mengizinkan. Sedih gak hati, but nak buat macam mana. Aku kerja pada hari tu. Nak mintak cuti pun belum tentu dapat (since lots of my co-worker already applied their leave sooner!) Carik jugak la tiket bas lepas kerja, dalam hujan... kalau² ada, tapi yang paling awal pun jam 6.30 petang. The feast was at 5.00 pm. So, dah tentulah aku miss kalau ambil tiket waktu tu. So, I had to let go...

Sedih la... Tapi nak buat cemana?...

Tak per la. Ingatan aku tetap berada di kampung bersama² keluarga semasa kenduri tu berlangsung. Walaupun tubuh badan aku tak berada di sana... Bukan rezeki aku untuk kenduri kali ini. Kenduri besar yang akan diadakan dalam tahun ni iaitu perkahwinan Alang sudah pastinya tidak akan aku lepaskan, walaupun aku memang tidak begitu gemar untuk menghadiri majlis perkahwinan. Itu adalah hakikatnya. So, I'm looking foreword to take part in the big event. InsyaAllah!

Dissidia : Final Fantasy...

Cosmos, the goddess of harmony. Chaos, the god of discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two gods had gathered warriors from all lands to lead them in savage war. Cosmos and Chaos were of equal strength. It was believed the conflict would last forever. However, the balance is now broken. Those who answered Chaos's call created an inexhaustible force. And under vicious attack without relent, the warriors fighting for Cosmos started to fall one by one. The conflict that has continued for eons is now about to end in Chaos's favor. The world has been torn asunder, sinking into a vortex of disorder. As for the few surviving warriors… their fates have yet to be determined.


Well! The Japanese version is already out, the English version maybe coming out the 3rd quarter of this year. Well! I've experienced the Japanese version and it was good. Really good! You can get control over your favourite Final Fantasy antagonis characters versus the Bosses in the series. May personal favourite is Squall. Don't know why. Cloud too, but that is too obvious isn't it? But anyhow, couldn't wait the English version to come out! This is the best PSP game since Crisis Core.

See…!!! Kejap saja masa berlalu…

Hehehehe… My first entry for 2009. Nak masukkan entry yang pertama pun dah 3 hari lewat selepas tahun baru. See… Kejap jer dah 3 hari! Nanti² pulak dah 3 bulan. Kejap jer masa berlalu. Kawan aku ada cakap, time tu dia mention movie baru yang akan keluar pada bulan Mac nanti, lambat lagi dia katakan. Tapi aku protes apa yang dia cakap. Sebab apa? Sebab aku tau tempoh tiga bulan tu bukanlah satu jangka masa yang panjang. Kedatangan bulan Mac nanti pasti tidak akan terasa sekiranya kita tak menunggu. Kalau yang menunggu tu lah yang terasa lama!

Speaking of New Year… Aku tak celebrate pun. Even bebudak Jaquezee pun mostly tak menyambut tahun baru ni kat memana. Semuanya sambut kat depan tv ataupun di atas katil jer. As for me, I did it both. Di atas katil dan di depan tv. Plus, aku menyambutnya secara online dengan kawan seoffice aku di dalam YM. Kami bervideo conference pada waktu tu. Dia terpaksa bekerja lebih masa pada tahun baru, dan aku pulak tengah bosan sebab tak tau nak buat apa selain daripada menonton tv dan berinternet… Kemudiannya tidur sehingga lewat tengahari. Baguskan? Hehehehe…

Dan pada 1hb nya pulak, aku hanya berada di GP untuk makan tengahari hanya apabila Mak Ngah menghantar mesej agar dapat makan tengahari bersama. Baguslah tu, sekurang²nya aku tak la bosan makan bersaorangan… Dan kemudian, kami berdua didatangi pula oleh Ijat setelah aku memaksanya dating ke GP untuk lunch bersama. Hehehehe… Jahatkan aku! Tak cukup sorang, aku racun yang lain untuk datang!

Pada waktu inilah aku dan Mak Ngah dan Ijat mengambil keputusan untuk berwayangan. Yelah! Masing² busan sebab tak tau nak buat apa kat rumah. Jadik, solution yang terbaik adalah untuk keluar menonton wayang filem terbaru iaitu "Bedtime Stories". Tu pun selepas Ijat suggestkan cerita tu. Kalau tak, masing² pun buntu gak nak tengok cerita apa. So, bila dah confirm nak tengok cerita apa, kami pun pulang untuk bersiap dan book tiket online. Malangnya, semua tiket dah penuh dibook. Nak tak nak, terpaksalah kami redah sahaja untuk mendapatkan tiket. Dan yang kami dapat hanyalah tayangan pada pukul 9.40 malam sahaja…

Sementara nak menunggu wayang bermula, kami mempunyai masa 2 jam untuk masa bersenggang. Lama betol. Bila dah tak tahu nak ke mana lagi untuk merayap, kami bertiga pun duduk la di taman KLCC untuk menghabiskan sisa² masa menunggu jam 9.40 malam…

Dok depan Suria KLCC depan air pancut.

KLCC, tingginyer!

Ayor pancut!

Dok kat tepi ayor pancut ngan Ijat sambil nunggu Mak Ngah.

Sebenarnya ada kejadian tak best semasa di taman KLCC ni, tapi malas plak aku nak cerita. Buek sakit ati aku jer… Lain masa aku cerita…

Dah bosan berada di taman, kami kendiannya ke KFC pula untuk mengalas perut sehinggalah jam 9.30 malam. Bergegas kami ke TGV untuk masuk menonton wayang. Lebih kurang jam 11.30 malam jugaklah kami habis menonton. Time nak balik pulak, hujan turun renyai². Nasib baiklah Mak Ngah dan call adik dia untuk pickup kiteorang yang tidak berkenderaan nih. Hehu… Tima kasih adik Mak Ngah, kalo idak tak tau la kiteorang balik kul baper…

Sampai rumah, terus masuk tidur sebab esoknya nak keje. Full stop.

p/s: Aku publish ni guna MS Office 2007. Tapi tak bagus langsung sebab kena edit balik dalam nih!